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Beesweet: mel irresistível 

Beesweet – More than Honey, Lda. was created by two young cousins who dreamed of launching, in the market, unique products made with Honey.

This is a legacy left by their grandfather, who passed them some tools on beekeeping, especially about honey and bees, as well as tips and some homemade recipes for flavoured nectar.

And so Beesweet was born, obtaining raw nectar through artisanal methods, with healthy temperatures. This process allows it to maintain all the characteristics of a 100% natural product.

According to the two young women, all the nectar goes through an analysis "in a lab to comply with hygiene and food safety demands". Besides this, honey contains countless health benefits.

The brand believes in a profitable business with a positive environmental and social impact.

In this sense, the company has set sustainable goals, which include reducing packaging, labels and jars when honey is sold, without neglecting the superior quality of its products.

Furthermore, it is notable that the Gota - the brand's image - has an exclusive design and is considered "one of the most beautiful in the World" by Packaging of the World!

Então, o que acha de experimentar um destes produtos? Pode encontrar estes saborosos néctares no our marketplace. ?


N.º88 Fire – Mel Picante

N.º5 Winter – Mel c/ Menta

N.º2 Beepolen – Polén Multifloral

N.º1 Citrus – Mel c/ Limão

N.º10 Seasalt – Mel Salgado

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