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Os Benefícios da Castanha

The chestnut is a typical autumn fruit originating in the eastern Mediterranean. The health benefits of chestnuts are many, as long as the consumption of this fruit is controlled.

Estes são alguns exemplos de potenciais benefícios das castanhas:

  1. They are a powerful source of energy;
  2. Low in fat and virtually gluten-free, they are safe for coeliacs;
  3. As castanhas contêm hidratos de carbono que beneficiam o sistema digestivo;
  4. They also contain fibre that reduces and prevents inflammation and the activity of some not-so-good enzymes in the body. These fibres help control cholesterol levels;
  5. A cartridge of chestnuts provides a large amount of vitamin C, as well as vitamin B6 and folic acid;
  6. Chestnuts have vital components that function as antioxidants and cell protectors;
  7. They have essential minerals for our organism: Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Copper and Selenium;

These benefits prove that chestnuts can be part of a healthy diet, as long as there is no excess consumption.

Os benefícios da Castanha

Below, we present a recipe with chestnuts provided by Chef Hernâni Ermida.

Chestnut in Syrup Recipe


5 pax | Fácil | Económico | Tempo 1h

- 400g de castanhas descascadas e sem pele;
- 300g de açúcar;
- 5 dl de água;
- Casca de uma laranja;
- 1 pau de canela;
- 2 c. s de port wine (facultativo).

Modo de Preparação:
1 - Deite para um tacho o açúcar, a água, a casca da laranja e o pau de canela. Leve ao lume, deixe ferver, junte as castanhas e deixe-as cozer durante 8 minutos em lume brando.
2 - No dia seguinte, leve de novo o tacho ao lume mais 8 minutos.  
3 - No terceiro dia leve ao lume mais 4 minutos. Depois desligue, deixe arrefecer e guarde em frascos.
4 - Sirva como sobremesa ou decoração de bolos.

Note: You can prepare this recipe with frozen chestnuts

Discover here our wide selection of products with this iconic ingredient and some suggestions to harmonise with the chestnut, such as, for example, the famous Ginja's Liqueur!

Chestnut Jam with Port Wine
Original Crackers 
Port Wine Reserve Tawny
Ginja's Liqueur Reserve Blended
Mel 3. Chestnut Honey

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