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Os Benefícios da Kombucha

Kombucha is a drink with a growing popularity these days. It is a fermented tea with health properties. Its fermentation process is achieved through SCOBY - a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeasts that consume virtually all sugars and theins. We present 6 benefits of kombucha, so you can better understand this healthy and delicious drink.

1. Funciona como um antibiótico natural

Kombucha is composed of bacteria that are beneficial to the body. These “good” bacteria fight the bacteria that cause infections or problems, such as food poisoning. Therefore, there will be no better option than Kombucha for a natural antibiotic.

2. Tem propriedades energéticas

If you feel like you need a "boost" to cope with your daily life, then kombucha will be a great option as an energy booster. This drink is a natural source of vitamin B12, which is closely linked to our body's energy levels.

os benefícios da kombucha

3. Confere maior equilíbrio no sistema imunitário

Este chá fermentado é ideal para fortalecer o organismo. A ingestão desta bebida melhora a absorção de nutrientes e combate a ação dos radicais livres, evitando o envelhecimento precoce. Graças à sua capacidade probiótica, a kombucha permite a criação de defesas contra diversas doenças, nomeadamente ao nível intestinal.

4. Has a positive impact on the digestive system

The microorganisms present in kombucha fermentation have a positive effect on the intestinal flora, thus contributing to the proper functioning of this organ. The beneficial bacteria present in this beverage multiply in the intestine, thus creating a feeling of general well-being.

Currently, the probióticos, para além de improve gastro-intestinal symptoms, têm sido estudados em pacientes com Síndrome do Cólon Irritável.?


5. Promotes well-being

Did you know that the digestive system influences the production of the hormones serotonin and melatonin, that are responsible for happiness and sleep?

Since kombucha increases the levels of these hormones in the digestive system, we can easily conclude that this beverage has an important contribution to well-being, mental health, and sleep quality.


6. It may contribute to weight loss

Another great benefit of this fermented beverage is helping with weight loss, as it is very dependent on good intestinal function.

Weight loss is a challenge that requires consistency and kombucha will be able to help in this goal: the bacteria present in this drink maintain the integrity of the intestinal cells and improve all digestive processes, reducing the absorption of toxins and fats. In addition, the bacteria allow you to control satiety levels, in order to maintain a healthy weight.

Besides all these health benefits, Kombucha is delicious! With several flavours available, kombucha will give your day a boost of energy and health.

So, let's taste this delicious and healthy drink? We have the most varied kombuchas available in our marketplace!