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Os Benefícios da Quinoa

Nowadays, the demand for a healthy diet has been growing more and more. Quinoa is, therefore, one of the most requested ingredients by those who wish to have a more balanced meal. Do you already know the benefits of quinoa?

Considerada pela comunidade indígena da América do Sul a “mãe” de todos os grãos (quéchua kinua = mãe quinoa), a quinoa é um superfood originating in the plant Chenopodium Quinoa.

This plant-derived protein has many health benefits, making it an indispensable ingredient in the most varied recipes.

1. Contém propriedades essenciais para o sistema

In addition to its high protein value, quinoa contains polyunsaturated fats and is rich in Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus and Iron. Quinoa is gluten-free and contains twenty amino acids, some of which are essential to our system because the body cannot produce them.

2. É uma proteína vegetal completa

It is essential for a vegan or vegetarian diet because it’s a complete protein.

A Organização das Nações Unidas para Alimentação e Agricultura (FAO) considerou esta semente como um dos alimentos mais completos de origem vegetal.

3. É versátil e saborosa

It can be in the form of grain or flour. In addition to the benefits already listed, it is imperative to mention its excellent taste, which varies according to its colour: quinoa can be white, red or black, and the lighter it is, the milder its taste.

Here is a simple and practical recipe that you can easily make at home:

Quinoa with Vegetables and Dried Fruit



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Benefícios da Quinoa

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Quinoa is versatile. You can add it to many recipes, from the main course to dessert!

Concluindo, a quinoa é essencial na sua dispensa. Experimente e, depois, diga-nos o que achou.

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Benefícios vendido na Gourmenu
Benefícios vendido na Gourmenu
Benefícios vendido na Gourmenu

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