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S. Valentim… o padroeiro do Amor

Todos falam do Valentine's Day, também conhecido como Dia de S. Valentim, mas muitos desconhecem a verdadeira história deste padroeiro do Amor.

Valentine´s day é um santo reconhecido pela Igreja Católica e pelas Igrejas Orientais, que deu origem ao famoso Dia dos Namorados. Hoje em dia, muitos países celebram este dia icónico.

The story of Valentine's portrays a time when marriage was forbidden by Emperor Claudius II, who had the goal of creating a mighty army. He believed that a man with no wife or family would join the army more quickly.

However, the Roman bishop Valentine continued to perform marriages in secret. After this practice was discovered, Valentine was arrested and sentenced to death.

While in prison, many young people sent letters and flowers to show that they still believed in love. Among these young people was a young blind woman, the jailer's daughter, who managed to visit Valentine with her father's consent.


Os dois acabam por se apaixonar e acredita-se que a carta de amor que Valentim escreveu à sua amada fez com que esta recuperasse a visão.

The bishop signed the letter as "from your Valentine", an expression that is now used in all declarations of love, all over the world.

Valentine was executed on the 14th of February 270, leaving a mark on this very special date that, nowadays, is a symbol of belief and the fight for Love.

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