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Os Benefícios do Mel

Honey is a sweet and creamy nectar that delights everyone. It can be consumed with milk (hot or cold), tea, or even coffee! This nectar has an incomparable sweetness and presents several benefits.

With a nutritional and therapeutic capacity, honey has several benefits, such as:

1. It increases the body's defences, preventing possible diseases

It is an amazing antioxidant, helping to protect the body. Furthermore, it can prevent diseases such as flu, colds, and dehydration.

2. It improves cholesterol levels and decreases triglycerides

It is a good ally in the fight against high cholesterol because it decreases LDL cholesterol and increases HDL cholesterol.

Os Benefícios do Mel

3. Combate bactérias and fungi in wounds

Contém propriedades que reduzem o tempo de cicatrização, pois são capazes de esterilizar feridas.

4. Relieves sore throat, asthma and cough

Reduz a inflamação e inchaço da garganta e dos pulmões, consequentemente ajudando no sono.

5. Helps with gastrointestinal health

É um prebiótico muito potente, nutrindo as bactérias boas que vivem no intestino. Desta forma, beneficia a digestão e a saúde em geral.

6. Prevents cardiovascular diseases

Ajuda na saúde do coração, pois aumenta o fluxo sanguíneo e reduz a formação de coágulos.

Os Benefícios do Mel

7. Helps to balance both body and mind

O uso deste produto está associado ao equilíbrio da memória e dos níveis de ansiedade.

In short... honey has antioxidant power, helps lower blood pressure, has antimicrobial properties, fights infections, and soothes sore throats. In addition, it is a great natural sweetener!

Who can resist such a delight like this?

We have products full of benefits for your health available on Gourmenu's marketplace!

You can find this sweet in various forms and flavours. From the flavoured honey to the organic pollen... you just need to choose.

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